what to wear for a middle school prom party

High School Students Banned From Taking Limos To Prom Because Of Income Inequality. Limos will not allow "a shared prom experience."
Some students can't afford prom attire. Should everyone be forced to wear blue jeans?
Can high school students emotionally and mentally deal with the fact that some people have more money, or are willing to save for the prom?

CBS News: Students and parents at a New Jersey high school plan to protest a new policy banning limos and party buses as acceptable transportation to and from the senior prom.
Under the new policy, Lakeland Regional High School prom-goers will be required to take a school bus to the once-in-a-lifetime event on June 4 at the Rockleigh Country Club.
Superintendent Hugh Beattie said “We have students from various socioeconomic backgrounds, and we want to provide an even playing field so that they all could enjoy a shared prom experience." what to wear for a middle school prom party
Parents and students have objected to upending the traditional pomp and circumstance of renting limos for transportation to the prom.
In addition, the new policy will prevent a local tradition of taking photos at the New Jersey Botanical Garden in Ringwood. The policy will also interfere with after-party plans.
Parents argue that while the prom itself is a school function, getting to and from is not.
Parent Jonathan Strange said "My friends and I pooled our money and we were not affluent.
"We were barely middle class, and for us it was pricey to attend the prom.
"That's why we saved and worked for the event. I know it is shocking today to ask people to do that."