v neck styled garments of the wedding

Another amazing message received today, so heart warming ...

Hi Terri ann, pls would you keep this anonymous for the time being, thank you I have had polycystic ovaries for longer than I can remember, my first husband and I was referred for IVF after to many miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy which saw the removal of a tube in emergency surgery we also endured lots of tests, sadly we never made it to the IVF appointment as I was widowed at 29. I was very lucky that 2 1/2 y ... e...ars later I met and fell in love with my 2nd husband he is 7 years younger than me and i made him aware of my fertility issues and he was fine with it. Aged 38 by some miracle I became pregnant naturally and had my little boy who is 2 1/2. we have been trying again since our little boy was 8 months with no luck. I have been on your plan for 6 months and had a good weight loss and inch loss. I was referred to a fertility specialist and was prescribed clomid and was due to start on the 1st of September, I carried out a neccessary test and was stunned to find I am already pregnant, it is early days for us but hopefully all will be fine on our first scan in a few weeks time. I never wanted to be an older mum but circumstances never allowed me a choice, the specialist believes it down to my weight loss and looking after myself, I want to say thank so much for this brilliant plan Terri ann and all the admin whom without we would be lost, hopefully in a few weeks if all is well I will post my scan picture, to anyone going through the same as me, dont give up, I was always going to be childless so the doctors said, stick to this plan - I did and feel so blessed, for now its all about the pregnancy but I know I will remain a member and return at some point x x x x v neck styled garments of the wedding

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